Press Releases

See How Small Businesses and Brokers Grow With Bizcap

Leadership team headshots
“Joining AFG’s lending panel is a significant milestone in Bizcap’s commercial lending expansion,” says Chief Revenue Officer Rebecca Del Rio.
Joseph Lim Portrait
Set to launch in Q1 2025, Bizcap’s move will provide Singapore’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with accessible short-term funding tailored to their needs.
Bizcap makes LinkedIn lists of top 20 startups in Australia
"We’re excited to be recognised as one of LinkedIn’s Top Startups in Australia for 2024," says Chief Revenue Officer Rebecca Del Rio.
Two women discuss SME lending opportunities in a café
As the housing market slows, mortgage brokers are diversifying into small business loans, tapping into a $20 billion industry and becoming one-stop shops for their clients’ financial needs
Broker sitting with small business client at Bizcap's office.
With $1 billion in loans funded and successful launches in New Zealand and the UK, Bizcap has gone from strength to strength. Here's how an open-minded approach coupled with unbeatable turnaround times made this possible